Название: Feel Good Now
Автор: Digital Energy Mandala
FEEL GOOD NOW - Exactly what the title suggests. Amplifies a general sense of emotional wellbeing.
How to Use: Open the mandala on your chosen device and use throughout the day as often as possible. Amplify the energy as needed.
Included Signatures: Wellbeing.
Includes Four Formats:
Large computer screen format
Small computer screen format
Smart phone screen format
PDF document for printing
Автор: Digital Energy Mandala
FEEL GOOD NOW - Exactly what the title suggests. Amplifies a general sense of emotional wellbeing.
How to Use: Open the mandala on your chosen device and use throughout the day as often as possible. Amplify the energy as needed.
Included Signatures: Wellbeing.
Includes Four Formats:
Large computer screen format
Small computer screen format
Smart phone screen format
PDF document for printing
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Чтобы скачать курс, новым пользователям, необходимо Пройти Регистрацию
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